In April, Able Living celebrated our 9th birthday!! That’s 9 years of providing a fantastic service to hundreds of satisfied customers!
5 May 2022
We have a company bike! With the weather hopefully improving, Able Living Carers can choose to leave the car in the car park and cycle to our clients!
4 April 2022
Able Living clients enjoying a get together at Christmas. Fun was had by all.
31 January 2022
Coffee and conversation at Mondays Memory Lane Cafe. We are proud to announce the launch of the Memory Lane Cafe held at Bramhall Methodist Church. Hosted and funded by Able Living, this is a social event for Bramhall Seniors held every Monday between 2pm and 4pm. Visit the News page for more details. Its in The Centrepoint […]
18 November 2021
Come and join in at the Memory Lane Cafe held at Bramhall Methodist Church Hall. Funded by Able Living, this is a social event for Bramhall Seniors held every Monday between 2pm and 4pm. Come along and enjoy complimentary coffee and cake. Chat with friends old and new and join in with fun activities such […]
2 August 2021
Able Living are proud to announce the launch of the Memory Lane Cafe held at Bramhall Methodist Church Hall (23 Bramhall Lane South). Funded by Able Living, this is a social event for Bramhall Seniors held every Monday between 2pm and 4pm from 19th July onwards. Come along and enjoy complimentary coffee and cake. Chat […]
20 July 2021
A lovely thank you card and chocolates for the carers, gratefully received from a clients family. Makes us so proud to know that the care and support we give is truly appreciated.
17 June 2021
Today we refreshed our skills on safer moving and handling. We reviewed current client situations and our practices to ensure we are always giving the highest quality of care. This refresher training will continue to keep our staff and clients safe.
20 May 2021
24th February was a landmark day for one of our treasured clients Joan as she celebrated her 100th birthday.
7 April 2021
We have purchased cellular iPads to enable clients to communicate with family and friends with the help of our carers.
7 April 2021